Do you want to go to live in Ukraine or do you already live there? Do you want to make your permanent residence in this country legal, but do not know where to start and how to act? Check out this article and perhaps your questions will be answered.

Step 1
Contact your relatives directly in Ukraine. You can obtain Ukrainian citizenship if you have direct relatives - citizens of Ukraine. You just need to submit documents confirming family ties with Ukrainian citizens, as well as documents proving the fact of residence on the territory of Ukraine. In addition, it is important that you have no criminal record and have medical certificates.
Step 2
Restore citizenship. If you have ever had Ukrainian citizenship, then it can be restored again using a simplified scheme.
Step 3
Find a husband or wife - citizens of Ukraine and live with them in marriage for 2 years in order to receive the coveted passport. Of course, the passport of a citizen of Ukraine in this case should not be the goal. But in any case, in this situation, you also automatically receive citizenship by submitting all the necessary documents.
Step 4
Become a highly qualified professional. Professionals are appreciated in any country, and Ukraine is no exception here. Good specialists can easily obtain Ukrainian citizenship if they can prove their benefits to the Ukrainian state.
Step 5
Invest in Ukraine. Investors, as well as highly qualified specialists in Ukraine, are also welcome. The state is ready to provide you with a passport of a citizen of Ukraine if you can invest at least $ 100,000 in the country's economy. This option, of course, cannot be called budgetary, but why not help your future country develop its economy, if there is such an opportunity.
Step 6
Help Ukraine develop science or culture. A passport of a citizen of Ukraine can be easily obtained if you are a scientist or a cultural worker. Here is the same story as with highly qualified specialists and investors. The only plus is that, unlike investors who want to obtain Ukrainian citizenship, you do not have to look for large sums of money. It is enough just to do something significant in the scientific field or in the field of art.