After the death of Russian relatives, Ukrainian citizens often face the problem of inheritance in Russia. The main prerequisites for the inheritance of property in our country by residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation are written out in the Civil Code. The procedure and requirements for inheritance are almost identical for both compatriots and foreigners (in this case, Ukrainians), only the degree of taxation differs.

- - application for the acceptance of the inheritance;
- - a will with a note that it is valid and not changed;
- - certificate of death of the testator;
- - certificate of ownership of the testator;
- - technical passport for the apartment;
- - Certificate of registration from the housing maintenance office;
- - Help from the Bureau of Technical Inventory;
- - the passport;
- - birth certificate (heir);
- - an identification number;
- - photocopies of these documents (preferably in 2 copies).
Step 1
To receive an inheritance from a Russian relative, go to the place of last residence of the testator. If it is unknown, go to the location of the estate (if the property is scattered in different regions, the place of arrival should be the place of the most valuable part of the inheritance).
Step 2
Try to enter into inheritance rights within 6 months. Otherwise, you will need to prove the right to inheritance in court, and attesting a good reason that prevented you from accepting it on time. You can claim the remaining property both on the basis of a will and by law (on the basis of family ties).
Step 3
To enter into inheritance rights, contact a notary, show the required package of documents and write an application for inheritance. After checking all the documents and paying for their services, the notary will issue you a certificate of the right to inheritance.
Step 4
Having received a certificate of inheritance from a notary, go with this document to the local Bureau of Technical Inventory, where it will be registered and returned with an excerpt on the registration of ownership of real estate attached to it.
Step 5
Do not forget to assess the inherited property, taking into account its wear and tear (this is done by the technician of the Bureau of Technical Inventory) for tax payment. After entering into inheritance rights, pay 30% of the value of the property as tax (clause 3 of article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 6
After that, returning to your homeland, pay another 15% of the value of the property received to the state budget of Ukraine (Art. 174.2.3 of the Tax Code of Ukraine). However, if you are a first-degree relative (husband, wife, parents and children) to the testator, then you do not need to pay tax, since the legislation of the neighboring state provides for a zero tax rate for this category of persons. All other relatives pay 5% of the value of the inherited property, and outsiders - 15%. This is the standard income tax rate in Ukraine.