What To Do If There Is A Hysterical In The Team

What To Do If There Is A Hysterical In The Team
What To Do If There Is A Hysterical In The Team

Unfortunately, not all colleagues are equally adequate. At work, you can find an unbalanced person. Sometimes you have to get along with her, trying to behave according to certain rules.

Getting along with a hysterical woman is not easy
Getting along with a hysterical woman is not easy

Signs of a hysterical personality

In order to correctly develop a strategy for communicating with a hysterical person, you first need to correctly identify it. Pay attention to the behavior of your colleagues. If one of them is extremely emotional and likes to dramatize the situation, you should be careful with such a person. Various exaggerations when telling about something can testify not only to the violent fantasy of a person, but also to his tendency to hysteria.

If one of the employees in your company often behaves defiantly, constantly runs into a scandal, loves to sort things out and clings to the slightest excuse to inflate the situation to the maximum limit, be on the lookout. Such behavior, unwillingness to control one's own negative emotions, the desire to throw out negative feelings on others also testify to the hysterical inclinations of the personality.

The constant readiness to burst into tears when meeting the slightest obstacle or just an unusual situation, endless complaints about a large amount of work, high workload without objective reasons should alert you. Hysterics tend to feel sorry for themselves and cry to others about life's circumstances.

Hysterics are characterized by some tactlessness, impudence, sometimes even rudeness. They do not take into account the feelings of people and can, without hesitation, offend a person with a harsh statement. The appearance of such people is often quite bright, they dress in an emphatically elegant way, criminals and grimaces when talking.

Rules for dealing with a hysterical woman

With hysterics you need to behave in a certain way. In order not to be touched by the negativity they emit, it is better not to take this person seriously. Try applying a condescending attitude towards your coworker. Otherwise, many unpleasant moments await you.

Arguing with such a person is useless. Logical reasoning may not help you to bring the hysterical person to your senses. Do not fall for the provocations of the hysterics. She will probably try to persuade you to a scandal. Try to stay calm. A quarrel is the natural element of your unbalanced colleague. If you cross into her territory, the hysterical woman will crush you.

Perhaps the following fact will calm and cheer you up a little: hysterics are easily turned on, but quickly move away. If you do not add fuel to the fire, soon peace and grace will come in your team. Your resentment and unwillingness to follow the lead of an unbalanced colleague, as well as the desire to put her in her place, are understandable. But here it is for you to choose: how much your own peace and peace in the team is dear to you. Sometimes you have to endure the antics of such a person.

If the hysterical person is your subordinate, you need to develop a strategy for effectively interacting with her. Just getting away from communication in this case will not work. When analyzing the mistakes of such a person, do not get personal. Do not discuss the qualities of the employee's character, talk only about actions, deeds. Do not forget to praise him for the results achieved. Try to show less emotion.
