How To Record A Part-time Job

How To Record A Part-time Job
How To Record A Part-time Job

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Nowadays, there are often situations when people work in two positions at once. They can combine two positions both in one place of work, and in two. They choose a more prestigious job as their main job, registering with a work book, and at an additional job they conclude only an employment contract. Although now it is allowed to record part-time work.

How to record a part-time job
How to record a part-time job

It is necessary

work book, computer, A4 paper, printer, pen, company seal


Step 1

If an employee works in two positions in the same organization, he needs to write a statement addressed to the director of the enterprise, where he request that the employee of the personnel department make an entry in his work book about part-time work. Upon dismissal from an additional position, it is necessary to make an entry in the employment record of dismissal, where the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the director are not put.

Step 2

If an employee works in two organizations, he must submit from an additional place of work a document confirming his employment (a copy of the employment order, an extract from the order, an employment contract or a certificate of employment in another organization, where the signature of the head of the enterprise and the seal are affixed). An entry is made in the work book about part-time work, where the name of the company and the basis are entered (for example, order No. 6/8). Upon dismissal from an additional place of work, an employee of the personnel department must make a record of dismissal on the basis of a dismissal order, which the employee submits to the main place of work.

Step 3

If an additional place of work in the same organization becomes the main one for the employee, then records of dismissal from both positions are made in the work book, then the employee of the personnel department records the employee's admission to the main position, which was additional.

Step 4

If a part-time job in another organization becomes the main one for the employee, he also needs to quit first from the additional job, submit a resignation order for the main job. Then the employee of the personnel department makes a record of dismissal from the additional place of work, as well as from the main one. At the main place of work, which was an additional one, the employee is hired on the basis of an order.
