Losing a job is undoubtedly stressful, but finding a job, or rather the inability to find it on your own for a certain amount of time, turns out to be even more stressful. The lifebuoy in the period of forced unemployment can be registration at the Labor Exchange and searching for a vacancy with its help.

Before collecting documents for registration at the Labor Office, contact the Employment Service at your place of residence - your task is to obtain official status of unemployed. Provide the service:
- civil passport and its copy, - diploma or certificate, - a work book with a record of the completion of your employment relationship, - TIN (they will check if you are an entrepreneur), - a certificate of salary from the last place of your work.
Please note that full-time students, military personnel, convicts and old-age pensioners cannot be considered unemployed.
At the Employment Service, you will need to fill out an application form in which you indicate that you do not have sources of income from business or other labor activities, that you are not in an employment relationship with anyone and are responsible for all the data provided.
Over the next day, you should be registered with the employment service and transfer the data to the Labor Exchange to form a register of vacancies suitable for you, you will become officially unemployed only after 10 days.
To find a job
Within 10 days you will be offered a list of vacancies, from which you can choose the most interesting ones.
Next, the process of searching for work on the Exchange will begin. Once every two weeks, the inspector will call you and give you a referral to visit the employer whose position is considered suitable for you. A vacancy, according to the Employment Act, is suitable if it corresponds to the level of your professional training, the conditions in the previous place of work and the state of your health. You go to the employer with a referral, coupon and application form.
If, having gone to an interview with a potential employer, you understand that the job does not suit you, you must write a reasoned refusal. Moreover, please note that a motivated refusal will not be considered a discrepancy between the vacancy and your salary expectations, status, low rating of the enterprise, etc. In addition to your own feedback, you will have to provide the inspector and the feedback from the employer with whom you communicated. By the way, it is not easy for him to refuse you either: the employer must fill out a form in which he will indicate whether he agrees to hire you, in what time frame and for what salary. If you are denied employment, the employer writes in detail about what exactly you did not fit.
If your job search within 3 months is unsuccessful, the inspector will offer you community service or retraining courses. In practice, such an offer is made after 2 weeks of searching.