It is possible to register as unemployed at the employment center only at the place of residence. Even a temporary registration will not help: the employees of the nearest employment center will have to refuse you. The only available way is still to contact the employment center that serves your registration address at the place of residence.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - employment history;
- - education document;
- - certificate of salary for the year before dismissal from the last job;
- - birth certificates of children.
Step 1
Try to get a sample salary certificate from the employment center before your first visit to the office. Its form can be available on the official website of the administration of the employment service for the region where you are registered. If it was not possible to find it there, ask friends living in the area where you are registered to take this form at the employment center and give it to you. As a last resort, send a written request to the employment service office in the region of your residence with a request to send the form to your e-mail or its paper version to the actual address. By law, you are required to answer, but within a month.
Step 2
Contact your last employer and ask him to fill out the employment center form and certify it with a signature and seal. Often employers, upon dismissal, issue only a certificate in the form of 2NDFL. It will not hurt you either, but this document is not suitable for the employment center.
Step 3
Get a work book from the employer, if you have not done this before, check whether the dismissal record is entered into it and whether the wording is correct. If you find a mistake, for example, personnel officers often refer to the Labor Code, which has long lost its legal force, and not to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, ask to fix it.
Step 4
Think about whether you need to register at an employment center. If you plan to look for work where you live, keep in mind that being registered as an unemployed person requires regular visits to the employment center - usually once every two weeks. If this rule is violated without a valid reason, the unemployed person is automatically deprived of benefits and removed from the register. So if your regions of registration and actual residence are far enough from each other, you will spend significantly more of your allowance on regular round-trip trips.
Step 5
Go to the region where you are registered if you have decided that you need registration at an employment center.
Step 6
Contact the employment center at the place of registration with the entire set of documents: passport, work book, salary certificate, educational document (the highest level available: if you graduated from school, college and university, a university diploma is enough) and birth certificates of children.