Students, especially in high school, often show a desire to find work in order to earn their own pocket money or expensive things. However, the legislation regarding employment is rather harsh. And therefore, many work illegally, taking seasonal jobs, etc. In fact, a student can work officially as well. If he does not know where to find a job, it is enough for him to register with the labor exchange, where specialists will select a suitable vacancy.

Naturally, in order to register with the labor exchange, you need to take into account a number of nuances, without which it can be quite problematic to do this. So, for example, it should be understood that the official employment of young people in the Russian Federation is allowed from the age of 16. Accordingly, those who are younger may not even try.
An attempt to bypass the law and get a job for a child under 16 years old is deliberately failed. After all, the employer will suffer quite seriously if this fact is revealed. Even at the age of 15, the child's body is not yet ready for such loads.
How to join the labor exchange school student
A student can join the labor exchange only if he has a document confirming the completion of his studies. For example, if he graduated from the 9th grade and is not going to go further to study, because has not yet decided on a profession.
For those who want to get a job for the first time, in order to start gaining practical experience, it is necessary to bring a passport and a document on education to the employment service of their area at the place of registration.
If a student is going to continue his studies, no matter whether to school, technical school or other special educational institution, he will be removed from the register. And this is connected not only with age - students studying are also not subject to registration with the employment service. Such a measure is intended to protect the educational process, which, in the setting of priorities, turns out to be an order of magnitude more important than work.
It is also not recommended to use any forged documents. After all, this is quite easily provable and is already punishable by criminal legislation under the article “Forgery of documents”.
If the student's desire to work is still unshakable, you need to come to the employment service with the specified set of documents, write an application and that's it. After the application is registered, the student can wait for offers with vacancies.
What can be offered to a student at the labor exchange
Yesterday's schoolboy should not expect any special vacancies. This is due to the fact that in the Russian Federation, children aged 16 cannot work more than the time specified by law. And not all employers want to pay a full salary to a person with a shorter working day.
The labor exchange can offer the student on a general basis available options for vacancies. If there are no suitable ones, participation at will in various public works. There is also another option that would suit young people - to take refresher courses or retraining. After all, such training is free of charge, and there is a chance to get a good specialty in a short time.