There is a stereotype that the women's team is akin to a serpentarium, but in fact, such a statement often turns out to be erroneous. Nevertheless, when changing jobs and faced with the need to join a new team, it is important not to make gross mistakes.

As you prepare to meet a new team, try to be in a positive mood. If the women with whom you have to work notice fear or, even more so, a clear unwillingness to make contact, alienation, they are unlikely to want to accept you, and it will become more difficult to join the team.
If doubts and fears plague you, think about the benefits of working with women. Business ladies are often more responsible and attentive than men. They are tolerant, ready to help and treat the misdeeds and mistakes of the other person with understanding. In a female team, one rarely has to deal with an unpleasant smell of cigarettes, and even more so with a hangover syndrome. If you manage to find a common language with colleagues, you can count on moral support and help in your work.
Believing in the best, start preparing for the worst, little by little. The women's team lives by special rules, and they are not always clear to a beginner. In order not to make a mistake and not to turn your colleagues against you, be very careful in what you say and do until you understand the situation. Behave equally affable and friendly with everyone, but in no case get involved in quarrels, and even more so do not interfere in other people's conflicts. Since you do not know the intricacies of relations between colleagues in a particular team, taking one side or the other, you can lose respect, or even make enemies.
Some older ladies treat new young employees as children to be cared for. Behave with them calmly, do not interrupt, and even more so do not be rude when you are given meaningless or unnecessary advice. Learn to ignore other people's words, smiling politely at the same time. Keep in mind that older women usually have a special reputation, so it’s in your best interest not to annoy them.
Keep your opinion to yourself and do not tell anyone about your personal life, so as not to become the object of gossip. Try not to stand out and adhere strictly to the established dress code. Remember that your main goal is to work well, so devote more time to your duties than building relationships in a team. Over time, you will be able to find and occupy your niche, but you should not rush into it.