When we get a job, we know the range of our future responsibilities. But the team at the new job sometimes does not meet our expectations. If relationships with colleagues do not work out at work, it is worth analyzing the situation. By understanding the reasons for the resentment, you can improve your relationships with workmates and gain their respect.

Step 1
Analyze your behavior and those who are trying to annoy you. Problems at work due to constant attacks from colleagues are not at all uncommon. The term mobbing even appeared in office terminology.
If you are ignored or only criticized without noticing your successes, then it is quite possible that you have become a victim of mobbing. Also, its signs are petty (and sometimes not so) dirty tricks on the part of colleagues. You are not given important information, gossip about you behind your back, ridiculed for any reason.
The reasons for the inappropriate behavior of colleagues can be different. Perhaps you stand out from the crowd. A talented, bright person often makes others envy. Or the reason for dislike is in your demeanor, style of dress. In this case, try to “dim” the brightness of your behavior a little.

Step 2
Another common cause of general dislike is that there is a rascal and gossip in your office. This type cannot imagine life without intrigue, and you have been chosen as a weak link. By setting colleagues against you, he may also pursue some kind of personal gain.
If the attacks on you are caused by what you think is your gentleness, change it to the opposite attitude. Try to talk frankly with the mobbing instigator and find out the reasons for his dislike. Open dialogue often helps resolve conflicts.

Step 3
Get close to "neutral" colleagues. Just don't get them involved in squabbles. By the way, you'd better be above intrigue too. A good attitude from "neutral" colleagues will help you feel more comfortable in the office. In addition, this will weaken the position of your ill-wishers. After all, their goal is to turn the whole team against you.
Step 4
Be responsible for your work, trying to avoid mistakes. And respond to criticism with reason, trying to maintain a friendly tone in the discussion. If the mobbing instigator realizes that you are too tough for him, he will abandon attempts to discriminate against you in the eyes of the collective.