Sometimes a person who is used to working from home has to return to office work. This is not easy for everyone: all people are different, and the office environment has a depressing effect on someone. However, do not exaggerate: you can survive in the office if you follow certain rules.

Step 1
The main thing that will help you survive in the office is your attitude. If you go to work with heavy thoughts about gossip and intrigue, a rude boss, a routine, then, of course, you will have a hard time, because first of all, you will see this in an office setting. Of course, in any office there are enough and not very pleasant people and routine, but at the same time, there are enough positive moments almost everywhere. Tune in to them. Think about the advantages of office life as well: there are employees nearby who can help, there is a clear schedule, etc. Such self-hypnosis is very effective.
Step 2
But if your worst fears come true and you feel uncomfortable in the office, try to minimize the unpleasant consequences. Minimize communication with people unpleasant to you - do not take part in general conversations, if such people participate in them, do not go to dinner with them, etc. If your boss is one of such people, with whom you have to communicate, try to psychologically distance yourself as much as possible when talking with him. Remember that only work connects you.
Step 3
To avoid gossiping about you, try not to talk too much about yourself. Be the most ordinary employee for everyone, who has everything like everyone else: work, home, friends, children. No one needs to know that, for example, you don't have a very good relationship with your brother, even those employees whom you began to consider almost friends. If gossip does appear, do not attach much importance to it: people who spread it are not always trusted.
Step 4
Even the most mundane work gets done easier if you know that after it you have something to reward yourself with. This can be both evening gatherings in a nearby cafe with pleasant colleagues, and interesting activities after the office. After 6 pm, life is just beginning: you can go to the theater or cinema, sign up for flamenco, create a tradition to have dinner with friends who work close to you.
Step 5
Remember that any work style, be it office or freelance, has its merits and demerits. Use the advantages of the office - such as a clear schedule that allows you to plan everything in advance, communication with new people (colleagues), raising your professional level when working with more successful specialists, finally, the opportunity to have lunch in an office or a nearby cafe, without wasting time and effort on cooking homemade food.