Work is not only your direct activity. Work is interaction between team members. Numerous team building trainings are dedicated to this. However, if relations within the team do not go well at all and have worsened to the extent of an obvious conflict, up to survival from work, then no training will help here.

Step 1
As a rule, if an employee is survived from work, especially in the case when this is done with the approval or on behalf of his superiors, he, of course, can stay at work. But his further working career in this company will be in very great doubt. Therefore, if you are survived from work, the first thing you should do is to scrupulously observe labor discipline and carefully follow all orders and instructions of your superiors. Since the debugged mechanism of dismissal of an “unnecessary” employee at the initiative of the employer can only be countered by the complete absence of facts of violation of labor discipline, to which a competent manager or employee of the personnel department clings.
Step 2
Therefore, if you happen to be getting survived from your job, chances are it will take you some time to accept the fact that this job will eventually have to leave. However, be wiser than those who are engaged in intrigue, and take this philosophically. Answer the following questions for yourself:
• What keeps me in this job?
• If you enjoy your job, is it worth holding on to such an unhealthy team?
• If neither the team nor the work really suits you, maybe it makes sense to change not only the job, but the activity itself? Perhaps the turmoil at work is a sign that you need to realize yourself in a different place and in a different way?
Step 3
Leaving work, do not hold any grudge against anyone. Better devote some time to yourself. Let it be a short vacation, during which you collect your thoughts and decide where to go next. You may want to get creative or start your own business. Work is a very significant part of every person's life. And it would be rather foolish to exchange it for constant sitting in the office from Monday to Friday, if in fact, in your heart, you understand that you are meant for something else.