How To Get A New Work Book

How To Get A New Work Book
How To Get A New Work Book

Table of contents:


For newly recruited employees, employers, including individual entrepreneurs, are required to draw up work books in accordance with the rules for maintaining work books. If the employee previously had a work book, but for some reason he did not submit it, then at the request of the specialist it is allowed to issue a new work book, but there is no need to make entries about previous jobs in it.

How to get a new work book
How to get a new work book

It is necessary

  • - clean work record book;
  • - identity document;
  • - education document;
  • - a pen;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - seal;
  • - order for admission / dismissal;
  • - book of accounting of work books.


Step 1

Take a clean work record book. On its title page, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee in accordance with the identity document. Indicate the date and place of his birth. Write the education status (higher, secondary, secondary vocational, secondary specialized, higher professional) of this employee in accordance with the educational document (diploma, certificate). Indicate the name of the profession, specialty acquired during training in an educational institution. Enter the real date of filling out the work book. Sign the person responsible for accounting and maintaining work books. Ask the employee to sign in the appropriate field.

Step 2

Put the ordinal number of the record. In this case, it corresponds to one. Indicate the date when this employee was hired. In the information about the work, enter the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual in accordance with an identity document, if the organizational and legal form of the organization is an individual entrepreneur. Indicate the fact of hiring. Enter the name of the position for which the specialist is hired, in accordance with the staffing table, the name of the structural unit. The basis for a job application is an order. Enter its number and date of issue.

Step 3

In case of dismissal of an employee from this organization, in the information about the job, write down the fact of dismissal, referring to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (depending on the conditions of dismissal: personal desire, agreement of the parties, and so on). In the grounds, indicate the number and date of issue of the order of dismissal. Upon dismissal, the record must be certified with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the person responsible for maintaining and recording work books. The employee should be familiarized with the record against signature.

Step 4

Register a new work book in the work book book. Enter its series, number, issue date and issue date. Indicate the name of the employee and give him a work book upon dismissal against signature.
