Land is not only a natural resource and means of production of agricultural products, but also the basis for life. Land ownership and land leases are the most common types of land rights.

Step 1
When registering land in ownership, first decide on what grounds the land plot will be acquired. If you are the owner of a property that was registered earlier than July 1990, then the land will be provided to you free of charge. Otherwise, you will have to redeem the land at the cadastral value.
Step 2
Contact the local administration with an application for the privatization of land, to which you attach the cadastral passport of the land plot, as well as a certificate of ownership and technical passport for the property. Having concluded a purchase and sale agreement on a land plot, or a gratuitous transfer of ownership, register the concluded agreement with the Federal Registration Service and receive a certificate for the land.
Step 3
If you need to register land for ownership or lease for maintaining a summer cottage or personal subsidiary farm, then apply to the local administration for the provision of a plot, in which indicate the location and size of the plot, as well as the purpose of use.
Step 4
The decision on which the land plot will be given into ownership free of charge or for a fee, or the decision on the provision of the land plot for rent will be made within a month.
Step 5
Next, apply for a certificate to the Federal Registration Service with a decision on the provision of a land plot and a concluded agreement. Submit a lease agreement for state registration if it is concluded for a period exceeding 1 year.
Step 6
To purchase land ownership for construction, apply for participation in a tender (competition or auction) held by the local administration for the provision of land for construction. If you win the bidding, sign the protocol on the results and the purchase and sale agreement. Then submit these documents to the Federal Registration Service.
Step 7
It is also possible to acquire ownership of land by purchasing, receiving under a gift agreement or under an exchange agreement from citizens and organizations. The acquisition of land in this case is carried out by the conclusion and subsequent state registration of the relevant agreements. Land for rent from citizens and organizations is formalized by concluding a lease agreement on a land plot.