According to the legislation, namely the Land Code of the Russian Federation, vehicle owners have the right to acquire ownership of the land under the garage, thereby purchasing it from municipal property. The cost of a plot for each region is determined in its own way, but it cannot exceed its cadastral value. There are two cases of privatization: ownership of a cooperative and a separate building. This should be done without fail in order not to be evicted from this land plot with a garage.

Step 1
Gather a general meeting of the garage-building cooperative and decide on the privatization of the site. After that, the chairman must submit an application to the local government for the provision of land to the GSK for lease or property, attaching a list of documents to it. These include: the minutes of the meeting of the members of the cooperative, where everyone made a decision to privatize the land plot to the company; minutes of the meeting of shareholders on the appointment of the chairman; certificate of state registration, charter of GSK, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificate of registration with the tax authority; technical passports for all garages; refusal of the justice authorities to provide the cooperative with information about the land plot, since it is absent in the Unified State Register; State certificate on the provision of a land plot to GSK; cadastral passport for it.
Step 2
Receive a draft lease or sale agreement. Carry out a survey of your land plot if there is no cadastral passport. This should be done after the issuance of an order by the administration, the latter considers the issue and makes a decision no more than 30 days later, on the provision of a land plot for rent or property to a garage-building cooperative. Enter into an agreement with the administration for the lease or sale of land.
Step 3
Draw up, if required, at the stage of land surveying, lists of shareholders and a general plan of the territory of the cooperative. It should be borne in mind that the division of the territory of the cooperative and into separate areas under the garages does not occur.
Step 4
Register with the justice authorities a lease or property agreement by submitting the following documents: application; lease or purchase and sale agreement (title documents); the order of the administration on the allocation of a land plot; mouth; certificate of state registration; certificate of registration with the tax authority; an extract from EGYURL for a garage-building cooperative; the protocol on the appointment of the chairman; a receipt confirming payment of the state duty for registration. After 30 days, the justice authority will issue a registered lease agreement or a certificate of ownership of the GSK to the land plot.
Step 5
Collect the required package of documents when the land under the detached garage is privatized. It includes: an application submitted to the local government; photocopy of the owner's civil passport; photocopy of title documents for the garage; a lease agreement or a photocopy of a document on the right to use the land. Register the completed sales contract between you and the local administration with the justice authorities after receiving permission, usually the processing time does not exceed 30 days.