According to Rosstat, the salaries of Russian state deputies and officials have increased by 2% compared to last year. How much do government officials receive today and what privileges are they endowed with?

No wonder many are trying to get as close to power as possible and take office. Servants of the people are not offended by the amount of monetary remuneration. What is the principle of their earnings? As in most various other professions, the salary of government employees consists of:
- official salary;
- qualifying salary;
- additional allowances.
In the State Duma, the average salary is 81 thousand rubles. Relatively little, but the final amount received on the card is several times more and reaches 150-400 thousand rubles per month. And the whole point is in these additional allowances: for work with state secrets, the successful implementation of the planned tasks, awards for length of service, etc. In addition, every quarter deputies are entitled to a bonus equal to the official salary.
Plus, the deputies are endowed with a host of other privileges. If the number of vacation days for an ordinary employee in the country averages 24-30, then according to the law, servants of the people are entitled to a vacation of 42 days with the possibility of its extension.
Deputies and officials have the right to free travel in any public transport in Russia, accommodation in service apartments with the most comfortable conditions, the ability to use company cars, free medical care, allocation of living space in Moscow, etc.
The most highly paid jobs in the state system of Russia are the Presidential Administration and the Government of the Russian Federation. According to Rosstat, the average monthly salary of employees in the Presidential Administration is 217 thousand rubles, and members of the Government receive 231 thousand rubles.
In the upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, the average salary reaches 174 thousand rubles. The remuneration of employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has grown compared to last year and today amounts to 148 thousand rubles.
Officials' salaries vary by region of the Russian Federation. So, on average in the country, their salary is 52 thousand rubles. The highest earnings from the servants of the people are in the northern regions of the country, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District - 155 thousand rubles. In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, officials earn less, 108 thousand rubles. The further south across Russia, the lower the level of salaries of civil servants. In particular, in North Ossetia and Ingushetia, local officials receive the least - from 25 thousand rubles.
Employees of the state sphere of the Moscow Municipal Council are content with lower earnings than their colleagues from the Kremlin or the State Duma, and receive an average of 66 thousand rubles. Officials from the Northern capital receive a remuneration of 79 thousand rubles for their work.
At this time, the average monthly salary of ordinary workers in Russia is 32 thousand rubles. as of mid-2015.