After losing a job, not everyone has the opportunity to sit at home for a long time, carefully sorting out vacancies. As a rule, time is running out, as is money. However, there are ways to find a good place as quickly as possible.

When a job is urgently needed, it is very difficult to get a really good job. For this reason, the search for it must be approached comprehensively, that is, to use all the resources. In this case, it will be possible to get a good job with a decent salary in a short time.
Newspaper ads
First of all, when looking for a job, you need to look at newspapers, magazines and other printed materials. There are advertisements for the search for a particular specialist, perhaps the applicant will be able to find suitable vacancies. You can also advertise a job search in the appropriate section. So, you will be able to double your chances. It is important to remember that you should not send your resume to only one company if there are several suitable vacancies, since it is not a fact that the HR employee will be interested in this particular candidate.
Recruitment agencies
Many people dislike recruitment agencies, as most of them feed on promises and often just collect money. However, when you need to quickly get a job, you should fill out a questionnaire in several of them. After all, you never know which option will bring what you want. As a rule, in any city there are at least 10 recruiting agencies, among them you can choose the 3 most promising and try to use their services. Surely, they will be able to offer 2-3 vacancies, perhaps one of them will be acceptable and they will be able to get a job.
You should look for a job on the Internet. There are many sites on the network where you can leave your resume and view fresh vacancies. If you do this regularly, then you will soon be able to find a suitable place. However, you can go further. So, you should think about what large companies are in the city and daily look at their sites. As a rule, they have a large staff, which means that the staff turnover is rather big, thus, the chance of getting a job increases.
It will be useful to look for a job through friends. Perhaps their company needs a specialist, and they will be able to give a good recommendation. Indeed, often companies are in no hurry to advertise the search for an employee, as they try to find him on their own, saving money on this. For this reason, you should send your resume to your friends so that in the event of a vacancy, they can quickly navigate and show it to the personnel department employee, who is primarily interested in a quick search for a specialist.