In the context of rapid and unpredictable changes in the labor market, anyone runs the risk of being left without a stable job. Use active search methods to quickly find a new employer.

Start by defining the requirements you have for your future job. Often, in order to expand your employment opportunities, you have to consider not only those jobs where you can use existing skills, but also new professions for you that require retraining. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to relearn right in the course of your professional duties.
Use the most accessible source of information - your social circle. Interview your family, friends, and acquaintances to see if they can help you find a job. Very often, personal references and connections can be more effective than any beautifully designed resume or list of past accomplishments directed to the management of companies where no one knows you personally.
Regularly check free classifieds newspapers and trade publications that advertise current vacancies. Pay close attention to information gleaned from radio and television. Do not neglect street ads - no one knows where you will come across an interesting offer that suits you.
If you are comfortable with a computer, check out the job listings on the major online employment resources. Many paper publications have electronic counterparts, where information on the labor market is updated much more often. When searching, pay attention to the date of the ad that interests you, as many posts may be out of date.
Place a job search ad in the media (newspaper ads, specialized Internet portals). Indicate the nature of the job you want to get, other conditions that are significant to you, as well as your contact information. The announcement should combine brevity and at the same time the utmost informativeness.
Register with the employment service of the population of your region. This will allow you to get not only the status of unemployed, but also free access to the bank of vacancies, and in some cases even get free training in a specialty new for you, but in demand on the market.
Contact one or more recruiting agencies. Keep in mind that their services are paid: some agencies charge a fee for placing you in the candidate database, others prefer to charge a percentage of your salary in case of successful employment. Check this point before signing the documents.
Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. Your search will be successful only if you analyze your current life situation, assess your capabilities, remove unnecessary restrictions and take concrete active steps to find a job.