It is always difficult for newcomers to a team. Especially if they fail to live up to the established rules. It is good if the new employee quickly adapts to the team. Otherwise, he may become a victim of bullying and ridicule. This phenomenon is called "mobbing", it needs to be able to resist.

Mobbing and other conflicts
First you need to learn to distinguish between conflicts at work and real mobbing. For example, your boss called you to scold you for a document that was not sent on time. Then his secretary accused you of sloppiness, because she reminded you of this assignment more than once. There is no bullying here, dissatisfaction is a normal reaction to your irresponsibility.
The situation is completely different if you come to work and hear not the most harmless barbs addressed to you. When you come to the table and see a broken cup, and then you find that important documents and files have disappeared from your computer. If these things start to happen to you, then most likely you are a victim of mobbing.
Sometimes such a conflict arises between specific people. For example, a boss has decided to openly dislike a certain employee in order to train him. This is called bullying.
Mobbing and envy
The reasons for mobbing and bullying can be explained. Imagine that there is a team in which everyone is over forty. A young employee comes to them who can easily make a career. With his youth and dedication, he takes out the envy of older colleagues and, most likely, will become an object for persecution.
Sometimes a team gathers a team of people who really wanted to advance in their careers, but could not. To feel significant, the villains find the weakest employee and organize their persecution.
Mobbing and idleness
If the employees are not organized in the team and the responsibilities between them are not correctly distributed, then the problem of mobbing may arise. The staff have nothing to do. In order to somehow entertain themselves, they organize bullying against someone.
Obviously, if you are a hardworking worker, you will become the object of reproach and ridicule. Colleagues will constantly be interested in the reason for your endless employment, they will begin to feel that you are trying to win over your boss and get a promotion. This is especially common in organizations where promotion is not easy to earn.
Mobbing and competition
Competition is a common cause of mobbing. In such cases, there is no general enmity, it is just that the person is on the way at the wrong time.
It is worth saying that people become targets for mobbing because of their temperament. As a rule, this is a person with low self-esteem, who constantly whine and complex because of something. Unsociable loners and those who stand out too much in the team also suffer.
Mobbing development
It doesn't matter where a person is faced with mobbing, the bullying process goes through several phases. And the reason for the emergence of mobbing is a tense situation. This situation cannot last long. Then everyone is looking for someone to blame, to whom, in their opinion, they can turn their negative attitude.
When the team finds a victim, everyone begins to openly mock her, constantly mock her, ignore requests, never help. If the boss who is not interested in the life of the team finds out about the problem, then most likely he will fire the victim of mobbing from work.
Types of mobbing
There are 2 types of mobbing - white and black.
With white mobbing, employees sneak at a colleague, and when the victim tries to object somehow, the enemies deny their negative disposition towards this employee. In such cases, a person thinks about his professional unsuitability.
Black mobbing is characterized differently. Here the person is immediately given to understand that he has no place in the team. An open conflict begins.
How to avoid becoming a victim of mobbing
There are some tips to avoid mobbing:
- determine who in the team performs the role of the informal leader, establish contact with him;
- be restrained, respect your colleagues, do not spread gossip about them;
- do not boast;
- pass the laws of the team;
- be friendly;
- if you have been humiliated, do not be silent. Approach the abuser and find out the reasons for his actions;
- try not to pay attention to the barbs, and even more so not to respond to them.
It is impossible to finally solve the problem of mobbing. It is important that the bosses understand the consequences of such bullying, be able to take the time of employees, correctly distribute responsibilities and end the overdue conflict in time.