Are you expecting a raise or a raise and therefore try to look as busy as possible in the eyes of your boss? Or do you just want to sneak around quietly at work? By taking the advice, you can look like a really busy person without actually dealing with work issues.

Step 1
Make a mess in your workplace.
Some people believe that a tidy workplace speaks of an employee's orderliness. But in reality, everything is different: disorder speaks of intense work that does not stop for a minute.
Step 2
Create an atmosphere of nervousness and irritation.
A busy person always has a lot of troubles and problems, as well as constant stress due to the eternal lack of working time. Try to sigh and frown more often, be nervous and complain to colleagues.
Step 3
Use your computer and other office equipment more often.
These days, real office work is almost completely computerized. Therefore, for greater importance, scold the new software, which is hanging at the wrong time. You can also "accidentally" spill tea or coffee on the desired document and, not finding it in the memory of your hard disk, start reprinting.
Step 4
Install an answering machine.
If you have a corporate phone on your desk, do not forget to install an answering machine on it and pass all incoming calls through it. This way, you have time to think about what your boss is saying, and your clients and colleagues will be able to articulate their thoughts more clearly in a monologue.
Step 5
Monitor your speech.
Flip through a couple of business ethics magazines and get some professional slang. Do not be afraid that you will not be understood; much more important is that you create the impression of an experienced and experienced person.
Step 6
Get your hands on.
Try to make sure that your hands are constantly holding or twisting something. Pay attention to the employees of your company wandering around the office empty-handed: they look like lazy people or idlers.
Step 7
Stay at work more often.
If you have absolutely nowhere to rush, and the boss is still in his office, allow yourself to stay late at work. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to work - it is quite possible to while away the evening, sitting on the Internet or reading your favorite book. Well, when leaving, try to catch the eye of the manager, because then he will see that you are working overtime.