Working successfully is not only about coming to work every day and handing over the next task on time. For a successful activity, you need to get satisfaction, love it, and this is impossible without observing some rules.

Finding a job to your liking is perhaps one of the main rules of a working person's life. Without it, every day can be a pain, and depression and fatigue will only make matters worse. But even if the search for your favorite job is not over yet, you can work successfully almost anywhere.
Change attitude
To begin with, try to change your attitude to work, find all its advantages in it. It is no coincidence that you came to this place, something attracted you in this type of activity in this particular company. It could be a high income, work in a specialty, gaining experience, a good team, a convenient location of the office. If you remember all the details, it may turn out that your work is much better than you thought about it. It gives you daily employment, brings money, that is, it allows you to exist in this world. Once you change your attitude, you can do your job with more enthusiasm than ever before. If that doesn't work, it's best to change it.
Observe the regimen
In the workplace, it is important to feel cheerful, energetic and rested. Therefore, set a strict daily routine for yourself: go to bed on time and get up early in the morning. It will be great if you have time to exercise, go for a run, or at least do a few exercises at home before work. Take a contrast shower, it will not only harden the body, but also allow you to wake up faster, feel better during the day and stay in good shape longer. It's much healthier than a daily cup of coffee. Start leading a healthier lifestyle: eat right, get not only mental, but also physical activity, observe the regime.
Plan and rest
It is important to plan your activities, to know exactly what you will have to do for this day, to set specific goals. This not only allows you to better cope with the performance of various tasks, but also frees the brain from unnecessary stress, because there is no need to constantly remember the case if certain hours in the diary are allocated for it. The habit of writing down each task and evenly distributing the load throughout the day will allow you to reduce stress, better cope with accumulated questions, not postpone unpleasant tasks, but deal with them immediately. When you stick to a strict schedule, you will notice how many things become not so difficult, they will not take as much time as they used to. Doing so will free yourself up hours for other issues, or you will be able to finish work earlier, which will be good for your efficiency and the trust of your superiors.
In the office, don't waste time on trifles. Check your email only twice a day, not every five minutes. Do not open tabs with social networks, forums and chats, if they are not related to your work and solving pressing problems. Entertainment sites and programs are very distracting and waste a lot of your time, which could have been devoted to getting rid of things as quickly as possible. If you have free time at work, it is better to engage in self-development, reading useful materials that are related to your work. This will help you stay ahead of most of your colleagues, better understand the company's activities, and therefore have a good chance of being promoted.
Do not take work home, if possible, do not stay in the office, strive to spend as much time as possible with your family. Relatives will be grateful to you for this, and you will receive invaluable experience and pleasure from communicating with them. Do not bring troubles and problems into your home environment from your workplace. And always have a good rest - this is the key to successful work and health.