Most people work just for wear and tear, not knowing what weekends and vacations are. They are afraid of losing a good job and work like Carlo's dad. If you find yourself in a similar situation - do not despair, there is a way out, you just need to familiarize yourself with the labor code in detail.

Step 1
It's no secret that many of us suffer from overwork at work. Sometimes this happens not even due to the fact that a person receives too little and is forced to work in several places at once in order to ensure a decent existence for his family. Often, an employee receives a good stable salary and, in order not to lose it, stays up late, works without days off and vacations. If you find yourself in this position, know that the law is on your side, and you can fix the situation.
Step 2
The labor legislation of our country provides for the registration of relations, which allows processing. It's about overtime work. Here's some useful information to help you defend your rights.
Step 3
Many employers, taking advantage of the lack of awareness of the employee, enter into a regular employment contract with him, but they warn that they will often have to stay late, sometimes work on weekends. As a result, the employee, fearing that he could be fired, is constantly detained at the workplace. But there are a few important points that you should be aware of.
Step 4
The employer can engage an employee for overtime work only with his written permission, and you will write such permission for each case, one paper is not enough for the entire time of work. Also, overtime work has its own limit, it is no more than 4 hours for two days in a row and no more than 120 hours per year. Please note that the payment for such work for the first two hours is at least one and a half the size of your salary, and in the following hours at least double. For the category of people who need increased social protection (disabled people, women with children under three years old, etc.), engaging in overtime work is possible only if it is not prohibited for their health reasons.
Step 5
Note, however, that you cannot be considered overtime work if you are just staying at work for a couple of hours to finish your work. The employer was aware of, but did not give you orders to stay at the workplace, everything happened on your personal initiative. This situation cannot be counted as overtime work and is not payable.