One of the documents that are kept at the enterprise by the head of a structural unit, an accountant or an employee of the personnel service is a timesheet. This document helps to take into account the daily performance of employees of the organization of their direct duties and monitor the performance of workers of the labor regime.

- - time sheet;
- - data on attendance and non-attendance of employees to work;
- - calculator.
Step 1
Understand the functions of the timesheet. The document reflects the number of hours worked by each employee, and also records the attendance to work or its absence for various reasons. This report card must be kept by all enterprises with a staff of employees. Without it, it is impossible to know exactly how much time an employee has worked and it is impossible to correctly calculate and calculate wages. In addition, the time sheet provides information for the state statistics authorities.
Step 2
Read the time sheet approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. It has two main forms: T-12 and T-13. The T-12 form is considered universal. The second option is used most often in enterprises equipped with automatic systems that allow monitoring the attendance or non-attendance of workers.
Step 3
When directly maintaining the timesheet according to the form you have chosen, record the attendance or non-attendance of employees by the method of complete registration. To do this, enter the designation you have accepted in each cell of the timesheet table. In some cases, it is convenient not only to enter the attendance, but also to mark deviations from the work schedule, for example, overtime or being late.
Step 4
Make it a rule to keep a timesheet throughout the month, entering data for all categories of employees. At the end of the period, summarize the total number of hours worked by the company's employees. In some cases, totals are posted every half of the month.
Step 5
Please note that the time sheet is drawn up by the responsible employee in a single copy. After filling out, this document at the end of each month is signed by the head of the relevant department and an employee of the personnel department of the enterprise. After that, the timesheet goes to the accounting department or the financial service for calculating wages.