How To Retain Staff

How To Retain Staff
How To Retain Staff

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Frequent personnel changes are a sore point for many companies. Workers no longer hold on to work the way they used to. It happens that even quite satisfied employees directly at their workplaces browse employment sites. Such people have no purpose to quit, but study vacancies "just in case." For any enterprise, this is an extremely alarming symptom.

How to retain staff
How to retain staff


  • - motivational cards;
  • - new staffing table;
  • - bonus system of remuneration.


Step 1

Analyze what is causing the staff turnover. Perhaps the existing working conditions at the enterprise do not correspond to the market ones? Or do employees have no career opportunities and after some time "outgrow" their positions? Or do you have a very tough internal routine? There can be many reasons. One of the most common is low wages. Business psychologists are sure that you can talk about non-material incentives as much as you like, but until the employee is satisfied with the income, he will not hold on to such work. On the other hand, an uncontrolled increase in wages will leave him without work even faster - the enterprise will simply go bankrupt, because there are economic laws that cannot be opposed.

Step 2

Enter the bonus payment system. Reduce the constant part by increasing the variable significantly. Make the seniority bonus one of the bonuses. For example, an employee who has worked for more than a year receives a certain bonus. Provide a small premium for each year. If, in the end, the amount of these bonus payments is more or less significant, people will think a hundred times before quitting. Another bonus that stimulates the activity of employees is paid for overfulfilling a plan. For example, for the highest transaction value, or, say, it is paid to the one who has the most signed contracts this month. The specifics of the introduction of the bonus payment system has nothing to do with the bonus and depreciation systems, which remain at the discretion of the employer. Here, there are obligatory “transparent” payments, each employee must know for sure that if he does this and this, as a result, he will receive additional money.

Step 3

Develop motivational cards. Pay attention mainly to non-financial incentives. We are all different: someone is motivated by career growth, someone is motivated by the opportunity to visit fitness, a swimming pool and good health insurance. But at all times, motivation is one of the best ways to retain staff.
