The description of the enterprise may be required as an attachment to the report on its activities or to the reference for potential investors. It forms an idea about the activities of the enterprise itself and the effectiveness of the work of the personnel managing it. The form of such a characteristic is arbitrary, but it is better to adhere to a certain outline of presentation.

Step 1
A characteristic for the company should be written on its letterhead with the full name, details and contact numbers. In the title, indicate the word "characteristic" and the full name of the company, organization.
Step 2
In the introductory part, indicate to which form of ownership the given enterprise belongs and give a brief historical background on its activities. Indicate the date of foundation, the type of activity during its creation, the main stages of development and achievements. If the enterprise was a laureate or had awards, they must also be reflected.
Step 3
Tell us about the company's current activities. Describe its structure and the structure of the management apparatus. Give as an illustration a structural diagram showing the relationship between the identified individual units. Provide information on the staff of each department.
Step 4
List all the activities that the company is engaged in. Describe the entire range of products manufactured, goods sold or services provided. Give a brief analytical report on their competitiveness, quality compliance with international standards.
Step 5
Provide data of statistical and financial analysis of the enterprise. Indicate the main performance, cost, profitability. Give an analysis of sales markets, taking into account the specifics of the products. Show the efficiency of the enterprise in the form of diagrams and graphs reflecting the dynamics of indicators for several previous years.
Step 6
Analyze the current structure of the staff, list the categories and number of personnel, methods of management and selection: how are personnel selected, prepared and trained, how they are motivated. Indicate their qualifications and turnover rate. Tell us about the social image of the company - care for the environment, charitable, social and environmental programs.
Step 7
Sign by economist and HR manager. After the signatures have been affixed, indicate the date of signing the characteristics.