Each production has its own characteristics, but for the heads of departments there are general rules of conduct and principles by which they will act in order for the department entrusted to them to cope with the assigned tasks. Leading a department is not only honorable, but also responsible, since it is the leader who has the task of organizing the work of the team, providing his employees with everything they need and motivating everyone.

Step 1
First of all, think over the work of your department - what tasks are set for it and what tools and methods you have to successfully solve this problem. You must clearly understand all the nuances of the production process and have an idea of all the technologies that are used in it.
Step 2
A lot depends on the team, so you must know the capabilities of each person, the characteristics of his character, psychotype, in order to competently set his task for everyone. Talk privately with each employee of your department, tell us about the tasks that you will have to solve together. Tell the employee about what will be assigned to him, and emphasize the importance of his job. Listen to those suggestions that may be expressed during such a conversation, think about them.
Step 3
At the general meeting, set tasks for the team and tell them what will be the criterion of conscientious work for you. Discuss discipline, control, and accountability issues right away. Motivate your team and talk about how conscientious and creative work will be stimulated, get people interested in solving common problems.
Step 4
Make it a rule to have periodic meetings where employees will report on what has been done and what is planned to be done. Each employee, thus, will be responsible not only to you, but also to the team, so there will be fewer comrades who want to let down.
Step 5
Do not encourage denunciations and gossip. Express your dissatisfaction with the employee to him. Don't make your favorites and favorites. Evaluation of everyone's work should be objective. If employees know this, then the return on them will noticeably increase. Try not to make comments and reprimands to your employees in front of everyone; for this, choose a place where you can talk to him in private. On the contrary, it is necessary to encourage publicly and do not forget to do it, even in words.