For various pedagogical commissions, a characteristic of a preschooler is usually required, compiled by the teacher of the preschool educational institution that he attends or attended. What should be written in this characteristic and what are the standards for writing it?

Step 1
Make a description as fully as possible, but do not get carried away with words with an emotionally expressive connotation. At the same time, try to avoid unnecessary details and redundancy of information to characterize the child and describe the situations of his interaction with peers and adults. Do not substitute medical (eg, hyperactive) or psychological (aggressive, passive) concepts for your own experiences.
Step 2
Indicate at the beginning the characteristics of the preschooler's full name, date of birth, number of your preschool educational institution, group and length of stay of the child in the kindergarten. If the child was transferred to you from another preschool educational institution, indicate the reason for the transfer (for example, in connection with the family's relocation, etc.).
Step 3
Write how soon the child has adapted in the group, how he interacts with peers, with adults. Assess the level of adaptation and describe the features of the preschooler's play activity.
Step 4
Highlight major learning difficulties (or lack thereof). Assess the level of perception, memory, thinking, attention, and fine motor skills. If your child has memory problems, describe them. Pay special attention to what learning activities you used to improve his memory, concentrate attention (if it is unstable), solve problems with a complex perception of the world (if any), etc. Indicate what results you have achieved in solving these problems.
Step 5
Note the main difficulties that a preschooler has in communication (or lack thereof). Assess the level of speech development, social and everyday skills, orientation in time and space, attitude to classes, pace of activity.
Step 6
Indicate the features of his state of health. If he sleeps poorly during quiet hours or eats poorly, give possible reasons for this. If the child is often sick, indicate whether he suffered from the disease in an acute or chronic form.
Step 7
If the child has any additional developmental features, write about it, give an example of how they usually manifest.
Step 8
Sign the description and endorse it with the head of the preschool educational institution.