Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a kindergarten pupil are usually written by a teacher. This need most often arises if the child is sent to the medical and pedagogical commission. Sometimes such a characteristic is needed if a child attends an experimental group where a new program or technique is being tested. The task to draw up such a document can also be received by a student of a pedagogical university or college - characteristics for children are attached to the report on practice.

What is needed for this
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics should give maximum information about the child. Some of the data required for characterization is in the notebook "Information about the parents". Make sure the data is not out of date. Prepare diagnostic results for different types of activities. Observe your child during games and activities, see how he behaves in difficult situations (for example, during conflicts and when you need to ask adults for something). Visit your child at home, see what conditions he lives in. Take a card in the medical office - you need anthropometric data, information about how often the child is sick, whether he has chronic diseases.
Write the title of the document - "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics". Under it, indicate to whom it is drawn up, the name and number of the child care institution, as well as the departmental affiliation. For example, this part of the document may look like this: "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of Maria Ivanova, a pupil of kindergarten No. 1 of the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg."
Main part
Pull back a little, write the child's personal data - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, home address, from what moment attends kindergarten and this group. Tell us about the conditions in which the child lives, about the composition of the family, about whether his parents or adoptive parents. Describe the attitude in the family, how the parents treat the child, whether they are interested in his development, whether the daily routine is observed. Tell us about the financial situation of the family.
Assess the physical condition of your pupil - how much height, weight and motor development correspond to age, which hand is the leading one. Tell us about how well-formed cultural and hygienic skills are, whether the child is able to take care of himself, mark the age-appropriateness.
Analyze the child's data for different types of activities - cognitive, play, speech, etc. Data on what a preschooler should be able to do in a given age group can be found in the Kindergarten Education Program. To do this, it is enough to compare the diagnostic data in different areas with the requirements of the "Program". When writing, you can follow the same order in which the required knowledge, skills and abilities are indicated in this document.
After each section, draw conclusions about age-appropriateness. The level of knowledge, abilities and skills can be not only standard, but also increased or decreased, which must be noted. At the end, write what work was carried out with the child in the group and what results were obtained, as well as the attitude of the preschooler to these activities. Write down who made the description. Date and sign.