A characteristic is an official document that is drawn up for an employee of an organization. The characteristic can be provided at the request of external authorities, for example, a court, as well as for use within the organization, for example, during attestation.

The characteristic is most often made by the immediate superior of the character or the head of the organization. There are no uniform strict requirements for the writing of this document, but there are a number of rules that it is better to adhere to when preparing it.
Traditionally, the characteristic is compiled on an A4 sheet in printed or handwritten form. It is mandatory to have a seal of the organization, the signature of the head and the date of drawing up the document.
Any characteristic, in particular for an employee, has a "heading" in which his personal data are indicated: last name, first name and patronymic without abbreviations, position.
It should be noted that recently, more and more often, the characterization of an employee from the place of work involves the indication of the details of the organization that provides this document.
The first paragraph of this official document, as a rule, contains a description of the employee's main labor milestones. If the employee has a rich work history and long work experience, then you can limit yourself to information related to the present moment in time. If you have special labor merits, you can indicate them, as well as reprimands, etc. You should not focus on, for example, biographical data. The characteristic from the place of work does not imply such detail.
In the description of an employee, it is customary to indicate information about his receipt of additional education, retraining and advanced training courses.
What follows is the main body of the official document. It is necessary to describe the activities of the employee, to characterize it. In particular, it is necessary to reflect information about their ability to fulfill the goals and objectives set by the management, on time, the ability to analyze, make decisions in difficult situations. You can focus on the performance of the characterized employee, to what extent his projects turned out to be successful and relevant. The ability to distribute working hours and adherence to the work schedule in the team play an important role in the characteristics of the employee. Currently, important information characterizing the activities of an employee is his communication skills and the presence of computer literacy, knowledge of office programs.
Information about the relationships that the person being assessed has with colleagues, bosses, and subordinates becomes important for characterization. You can pay attention to the general level of culture and upbringing of a person. Information on the availability of penalties and incentives must be provided in the description of the employee from the place of work. If a person has a social burden or actively participates in the life of the team, then this should be reflected in the document. In addition, it should indicate where exactly the characteristic is provided and for what purpose.
This is especially true when the document is requested by external bodies; in the internal description for work, this information can be omitted.
Thus, the characteristic of an employee of the organization should contain an assessment of both his personal, psychological, and professional, business qualities.