The profession of a manager in various fields of activity is in high demand today. However, the number of those wishing to get such a position, as a rule, is much higher than the vacancies available on the labor market. A competent characterization of a manager will not only help assess the level of his work, but will also be an excellent addition to his resume.

the manager's personal file
Step 1
Consider the professional qualities of the manager. Divide this item into 2 stages. First, list the skills that are included in the list of standard requirements for the profession. Second, dwell on those abilities that are inherent in the manager you are characterizing and distinguish him favorably from similar specialists.
Step 2
List the manager's achievements. It is advisable not just to name them, but to express them in concrete figures. This can be an increase in sales, the percentage of fulfillment of the plan, the number of attracted customers. In doing so, be sure to mention non-numerical indicators that have had a significant impact on the organization's work, for example, conquering a new market or successfully running a sales promotion campaign.
Step 3
Focus on the personal qualities and hobbies of the employee. Try to avoid commonplace wording. If you know a specialist well, name the most striking features. For example, if a manager is fond of foreign languages and contributed to the organization of corporate training for the entire team, this can only become an additional plus in his professional profile.
Step 4
Even if you have a purely positive attitude towards the manager, be sure to focus on his weaknesses. This will give the employee himself an impetus for self-improvement, and his future employer - the opportunity to adjust the functionality and correctly distribute tasks. In this section, it is advisable to list your recommendations and wishes.