Job Description For Account Manager

Job Description For Account Manager
Job Description For Account Manager

A customer service manager is a specialist whose job responsibilities include finding and serving customers, as well as advertising activities that require an individual approach to customers. What is the detailed job description of this manager?

Job Description for Account Manager
Job Description for Account Manager

Job requirements

The account manager is classified as an executive, so there are special requirements for this position. These include knowledge of: market economy, entrepreneurship and business fundamentals, legislation governing business, marketing fundamentals, management theory, business administration, as well as the range, classification and purpose of the products offered.

The account manager is appointed and dismissed exclusively by the head of the company.

In addition, a customer service manager must know the official etiquette when negotiating, the basics of psychology and sociology, the theory of interpersonal communication, as well as be able to establish business contacts and process information using modern computer technology. If the manager is absent due to illness or vacation, his duties are shifted to a person specially appointed for this purpose, who receives all the relevant rights and is responsible for the performance of his temporary duties.

Job responsibilities

The account manager analyzes the potential client audience, its needs, level and focus, as well as the development of search methods, planning of work with clients and drawing up schemes for contacting them. He also places advertisements using e-mail, facsimile messages, participation in presentations, fairs and exhibitions in order to attract customers, makes a forecast of the business reliability of potential buyers, organizes and conducts preliminary conversations with customers who are interested in offers.

The account manager should take full responsibility for planning the relationship with each potential buyer of the product.

In addition, the responsibilities of the manager include the development of recommendations and consultations on the effective use of established business relationships, the observance of client interests in the fulfillment of contractual conditions on the part of the company and the acceptance of claims from clients with their subsequent analysis to resolve and maintain business ties. The manager forms a client database and monitors the timeliness of changes made to it, as well as studies / analyzes the policies of the firm's competitors in relations with clients.
