People who are talented in their field often do not know how to get along in society, since they have far from angelic characters. Conflicts in a creative team are very difficult to avoid, but you can try to make them productive and creative.

Step 1
Once in a creative team, try as quickly as possible to learn the rules of conduct and the unspoken charter that have developed in it. It is important to remember all the names and surnames, to understand the "roles" "of all employees. At first, you should not enter into arguments with leaders, first you need to strengthen your position.
Step 2
Find an approach to everyone - do not joke with touchy people, do not tell gossips and talkers about your doubts. Creative people often have complex personalities, so the system of relationships can be extremely confusing. Co-workers, bosses, and the policy of the company should only be discussed with your family.
Step 3
At the same time, immediately identify your place. Demonstrate all your best qualities - perseverance, dignity, interest in work, responsibility. Refuse other people's work decisively, but politely, do not indulge other people's whims.
Step 4
Try to avoid conflicts, at least at first, until you understand the whole background of events. If it is impossible to avoid conflict, try to find a compromise, analyze your own behavior.
Step 5
Any, even insignificant, conflict must be dealt with immediately. If you feel guilty, apologize right away. Creative people are often quite touchy and vindictive, so a small misunderstanding can develop into a series of grievances and unspoken doubts. If the subject of the dispute is not serious or the person is incompetent in this matter, it is better to stick to an avoidance strategy, trying to hush up the issue.
Step 6
It is quite difficult to become successful in a creative team, since the competition is quite high. For this, it is necessary to attract the abilities of everyone to achieve a common goal, to ignite everyone with their idea. Do not expect a crisis or any opportunity - show your leadership qualities. In those matters where you are not competent enough, leave the right of leadership to colleagues - this state of affairs is inevitable in a team of talented people.