Is It Easy To Be A Massage Therapist? Pros And Cons Of The Profession, Tips For Beginners

Is It Easy To Be A Massage Therapist? Pros And Cons Of The Profession, Tips For Beginners
Is It Easy To Be A Massage Therapist? Pros And Cons Of The Profession, Tips For Beginners

Massage is of great benefit. Even at the end of the working day, this procedure can relax, add strength and energy. However, not everyone thinks about how hard it is to work as a massage therapist, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the profession.

Back massage
Back massage

Do not assume that massage is just stroking and rubbing the body. This is a whole system that includes mechanical and reflex effects on soft tissues and organs. The massage is done not only for pleasure. This is an effective remedy that can help even in situations where drug treatment is powerless.

Many experts recognize the profession of a massage therapist as one of the best. There are several reasons for this. First, the procedure is very beneficial for people. Secondly, the profession is well paid. And at the same time, you can work not only in a beauty salon or in a medical institution, but also exclusively for yourself.

Experienced massage therapists believe that the benefits of this job outweigh all the negative aspects. But is it really so?

The merits of the profession

  1. High profit payment. An experienced, professional massage therapist can make very good money. At the same time, there is no “ceiling”. It all depends on the skills and performance of the master. The quality of education also plays a significant role.
  2. The profession is in great demand. At the present stage, everyone needs the procedure, both children and adults.
  3. The profession is suitable for extroverts, because you can meet new and interesting people.
  4. Do you want to work "for your uncle"? Private reception can be arranged. And the better the reputation of the massage therapist, the easier it will be for him to do it. At the same time, you can open not only your own office, but also a massage parlor.
  5. High wages make the work schedule flexible. You can work no more than 4-5 hours per day.
  6. A good specialist can find work abroad.
  7. No professional education required. To work as a massage therapist, it is enough to take courses.

It may seem to many that there are no negative aspects in the profession of a massage therapist. It is easy and interesting, brings material benefits and allows you to make useful contacts. However, there are still drawbacks.

Negative points

While doing the massage, it is necessary to maintain concentration throughout the entire session.

During the massage, only the client lies. In this case, the masseur has to stand throughout the entire session. Therefore, at the end of the procedure, he may experience pain in the legs and lower back. Because of this, after a while, there are problems with the joints, flat feet.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to constantly monitor the position of the body. It must be correct. In addition, it is recommended to periodically take a break and perform exercises aimed at relieving swelling of the arms and legs, and to relax the muscles of the back.

The therapist must be patient. Sometimes people with severe pain ask for help, and some clients are just hard to please. Therefore, work can be accompanied by stress, and not just pleasant emotions.

To master the profession of a massage therapist, one desire is not enough. You will need to learn all massage techniques, learn to feel the human body. In addition, there are no universal techniques. Each client will need to look for their own approach.

It is not always possible to get a job in a salon and receive a good salary at the same time. Often times, massage establishments require the massage therapist to give them half of the proceeds. It is also difficult to organize a private reception as you have to invest a lot of money to open a massage parlor.

Of course, education is not a prerequisite. It is enough to take the courses. However, a massage therapist without medical education is unlikely to be hired into a serious organization. In addition, some types of massage should not be done at all if there is only a certificate of completion of the courses. For example, children's or sports massage.

Beautiful, slender and fit clients do not always come to the procedure. Basically, the procedure is needed by sick people with physical disabilities. Some clients may not feel the most pleasant.

Working without intermediaries, you will have to spend a lot of money on work accessories and on improving your own qualifications.

Tips for a beginner

  1. You need to monitor your lifestyle. Every day you need to do exercises, a set of stretching exercises. The menu should be dominated by healthy products that have a positive effect on immunity and health.
  2. If the work is intense, you need to be able to use every free minute to recuperate.
  3. Sleep responsibly. You need to sleep in a comfortable position and on a comfortable bed. It is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
  4. It is recommended to listen to professionals. They are able to talk about such subtleties of the profession that no one will talk about during training.
  5. It is necessary to constantly improve skills, study anatomy and master new techniques.
  6. With a complete lack of experience, the first time you can work either for a small fee, or completely free of charge. Relatives and close people can act as clients. Due to this, you can gain experience, without which you will not be able to achieve great results in the profession of a massage therapist.
  7. Try to build customer feedback. Ask them about their impressions of the massage, what they liked or disliked. You need to listen to reviews.

Let's sum up

The profession of a massage therapist is very complex. You will need to constantly improve your skills, learn new techniques, and lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, every year new types of massage appear, so you need to be aware of all the new products.

Do not think that it is enough to know just a couple of tricks to make good money. The masseur has a huge responsibility for the client's health. Indeed, due to an incorrectly done massage, health can seriously suffer.
