Any citizen of the Russian Federation can apply for a pension fund (in other words, receive a certificate of compulsory pension insurance). When applying for a job, the employer takes over all the formalities. In other cases, a citizen can do it on his own.

- - the passport;
- - a separate document on registration at the place of residence or stay (if any);
- - a fountain pen.
Step 1
To register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on your own, you need to contact the nearest branch at the place of residence, stay or actual residence. You can find out its address and phone numbers on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Call your department, specify at what time you can contact them to issue a certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a non-working citizen. For example: “I don't work anywhere, I want to issue a certificate of compulsory pension insurance, where should I go? Which office? What are the consultation hours? What documents do you need?"
Step 2
During office hours, come to the PFR branch and contact the specialists who deal with this issue.
You will need to have a passport with you. If you apply to the place of temporary registration, take it too. Just in case, make photocopies of all documents (from the passport: spreads with personal data and a stamp of registration at the place of residence). Present all documents to the specialist who will receive you.
Step 3
You will be given blank documents that you must submit to the Pension Fund. Fill them out, sign where provided, and give them to the fund employee. Get a receipt from him about the acceptance of documents.
On the day appointed by him, come for a ready-made testimony.