The concept of "ecologist" is quite extensible - most often it means any person working in the field of ecology. However, the professions in this area are very diverse.

Forestry (Environment) Engineer
He develops and implements measures to protect plantings in forests, parks, reserves. He also monitors any changes in the territory entrusted to him (for example, new populations of plants and animals increase or decrease quantitatively), analyzes the data and draws certain conclusions. The further activity of the forest engineer is based on them. An employee of this profession must have a good knowledge of botany and biology, understand how to combat insect pests.
This person makes maps based on photo and video filming, graphic, text and measurement data. These cards are both large and small, and are used for a variety of purposes. For example, on the basis of such studies, issues are resolved with the allocation of land for certain needs. Everything plays a role here - vegetation, soil and much more (for example, if it is a sanitary zone or agricultural land, then construction is prohibited here), so the maps should be as accurate as possible. Often cartographers work in real estate agencies, in cadastral bureaus.
This profession is familiar to everyone: meteorologists collect and systematize data on weather changes, forming a forecast. They work at meteorological stations (usually far from civilization), on television, or in research centers and institutes. After all, weather forecasts are made not only for the coming day or week - there are also more global studies on changes in the planet's climate. On the basis of this scientific activity, experts draw conclusions on how the inhabitants of the Earth should act in the future in order to avoid a catastrophe.
The ecologist has a very wide field of activity: organizing expeditions to study and protect rare animals, birds and plants, calculating permissible emissions from enterprises, soil examination, landscape planning, water purification and much more. Ecologists work in industrial companies, state control and certifying organizations, environmental structures.
Employees of cultural and educational institutions
In forest museums and local history museums, greenhouses, people with the education of ecologists are also needed. The excursion will turn out to be many times more informative if it is led by a professional. As a rule, this work is combined with scientific activity - writing dissertations and monographs. In greenhouses, ecologists must also take care of exhibits-plants - who can do this better than a person with a special "natural" education?