There is often a situation when citizens work in two or more positions - this is called combining professions. It can be internal and external. Employees can work in one organization, or in two or more.

It is necessary
forms of relevant documents, work book, documents of enterprises, seals of organizations
Step 1
If an employee works in two positions in the same organization, and he wants to issue a combination according to the work book, he needs to write an application addressed to the first person of the company with a request to make an entry in his work book about the combination.
Step 2
The head examines the application and, if agreed, puts the resolution signed and dated. Further, an order is issued on the admission of this employee to a part-time position.
Step 3
The employment contract for an additional profession prescribes that this work is a combination for the employee. In this job, the employee has the right to work in his free time from the main job. The contract is signed by the head of the company and the employee.
Step 4
The personnel officer, in turn, indicates in the employee's work book the date of hiring part-time. In the information about the work, he writes that the employee is accepted for a certain position in the structural unit, prescribes that the profession is a combination. In the grounds, he puts the number and date of publication of the order for admission to additional work.
Step 5
If an employee works at two enterprises, at the main place of work he needs to write a statement so that the personnel worker makes an entry in his work book about an additional position in another company. From work, which is a combination, he submits one of the documents: an employment contract, a copy of the order for employment, a certificate on letterhead containing the fact of admission to the position, with the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager.
Step 6
On the basis of the submitted documents, the employee of the personnel department of the main place of work writes in the work book when, for what position, in which company, in which structural unit this employee was hired concurrently.
Step 7
If the employee decides to quit his additional job, the record of the resignation from the job in combination must be present in the work book.
Step 8
If an additional profession becomes the main one for an employee, he needs to resign from both positions, and then the head of the enterprise takes him to his main job, which was part-time.