How To Write An Application For Combination

How To Write An Application For Combination
How To Write An Application For Combination

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For a more effective solution of all kinds of problems at the enterprise, the employer may decide on the need to combine positions. The employee, in turn, has the right to get another job through external part-time jobs.

How to write an application for combination
How to write an application for combination


Step 1

In order to formalize the combination for a vacancy, it is necessary to coordinate this issue with your direct management. If the issue is positively resolved, an employment contract is drawn up, which separately includes the conditions for combining. In the case when an employment agreement has already been drawn up for an employee in this organization, an application to the existing one is being prepared. The agreement must be signed by both parties. If desired, a specific period of combination is prescribed in the contract, but this is not necessary.

Step 2

Three days before the expected start of the performance of additional duties, you need to write an application for combination. When drawing it up, in the "header" indicate the position, surname and initials of the chief who is authorized to sign the orders on the appointment to the vacancy. Then write from whom this application is from - your data in the same order: position, surname, name and patronymic (in full).

Step 3

On a separate line below in the center, write the word “Application”. Next, state the essence of the application in any form, for example, with the following content: “I ask you to charge me with the duties of“the title of the position to be combined”with the“date”in the procedure for combining positions provided for in Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, with an additional payment in the amount of“amount” rubles."

Step 4

At the end of the document, put down the date on the left, and on the right - your signature with a decryption (initials, surname). When sending an application to the personnel department, the authorized person writes a resolution on the need for the personnel officer to prepare the corresponding order and agreement with the employee.
