What Are The Most Common Professions In Russia

What Are The Most Common Professions In Russia
What Are The Most Common Professions In Russia

Representatives of modern youth approach the choice of their future profession very responsibly, since they understand that their whole future life, success and social status in society will depend on this step.

Most popular professions
Most popular professions

In Russian professional educational institutions, you can learn the basics of more than 600 professions, so school graduates will have a difficult choice in such a variety. But most of them, long before the last bell, are determined with the choice of profession. According to statistics, the most popular were and remain several areas of professional activity that bring good income, are attractive in terms of career growth and social level.

The most popular areas of study

Many will answer the question of which are the most popular professions in Russia without hesitation - economists. Indeed, the education of an economist opens the door to practically all spheres of production. Specialists in this area are needed in banking, government agencies, companies producing this or that type of product, and in trade, in the gas and oil industries, that is, in the most profitable spheres of activity.

The second most popular universities are those that train managers. Management specialists are indeed extremely popular in the job market - they are needed in advertising agencies, publishing houses, and manufacturing companies.

The third place is occupied by programmers, without whom no enterprise, agency, office, firm, small service office or design bureau can do without. In the age of development of high technologies, data transmission using the Internet, without these specialists, the functioning of most of the companies is practically impossible.

The most demanded vacancies in the labor market

But the labor market shows completely different results in terms of the demand for certain professions. Statistical data show that industries lack specialists in blue-collar occupations - builders, drivers, livestock workers, engineers, mechanics, machinists, etc. An acute shortage is also felt in the pedagogical and medical fields.

The reason, of course, is that these professions are not as high-paying as those related to management, economics and trade. But the policy of the state in recent years has been aimed at popularizing the blue-collar professions. That is, today's graduates need to seriously think about getting, if not basic, then at least additional education in the field of production, in the social sphere or in the field of construction.

The employment services of the population, both state and private recruitment agencies, offer jobs mainly to foremen, painters, machine operators, teachers and educators, doctors and nurses. For graduates of higher educational institutions, finding a job is often quite problematic.
