How To Issue A Labor Book

How To Issue A Labor Book
How To Issue A Labor Book

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The work book is the main document of the employee. The employer is obliged to enter into it all information about moving up the career ladder, about the assignment of a category and other events. This document is just as important as the employment contract, therefore it is necessary to fill it out correctly and accurately.

How to issue a labor book
How to issue a labor book


Step 1

If you are applying for work for the first time, that is, you have not worked anywhere before, your employer must issue you a work book. On the first page (title page), fill in all the information about you. On the basis of the certificate of education, the corresponding line is affixed. Personal data is also entered: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth.

Step 2

After entering all the information, you must put a signature, which means you agree with the above. Remember that all notes are entered into the document in blue, purple or black ink, in no case should a gel pen be used.

Step 3

Next, you need to fill out the next section, that is, enter information about the work. Each entry is in order, the numbers must be Arabic. The next column is "Date", it must be filled in in the format, the date of filling is the date of the order on the basis of which the entry is made. Accordingly, column 3 will be informational, that is, have information about the work.

Step 4

Column 4 indicates the document on the basis of which the entry was made, for example, an order. When applying for a job, a seal is not needed, but when an employee quits, the manager must put a seal and sign, thereby confirming all the information he wrote above.

Step 5

In the event that an employee has changed his surname, for example, in the case of marriage, he must provide a certificate from the registry office, on the basis of which adjustments are made. There is no need to cover up or erase previous entries, just cross out the wrong one with one line, and write a new one on top. And on the spread, indicate by whom and on the basis of which document the changes were made.

Step 6

But this rule applies only to the title page. If you made a mistake in the wording of information about the work, you need to write below "The entry for the number (indicate which one) is invalid" and below indicate the correct one.

Step 7

It should be borne in mind that the head of the organization must have work books for all of his employees; an entry must be made no later than 5 days after the start of work. Even an external part-time worker has the right to demand that an appropriate entry be made.

Step 8

The dismissal record is made on the day of termination of work, and the work book is handed over to the employee.
