Labor book - a document that is intended to reflect the labor activity of employees, workers, seasonal and temporary workers. The maintenance and storage of work books is regulated by several regulations. But not all specialists in HR departments know how to correctly make entries in such a document. The requirements for filling it out need to be known not only to the inspector of the personnel department, but also to the owner of the work book in order to avoid problems when retiring.

Step 1
Fill out the first page of the work book. If there are already entries there, check that they are correct.
1. Fill in the surname, name, patronymic in accordance with the passport data.
2. Write down the date of birth in Arabic numerals (for example, 1987-19-01).
3. Specify education in words and in full (for example, "secondary vocational", "higher vocational").
4. Write the specialty in the nominative case, based on the educational document (for example, "teacher", "accountant", "economist").
5. Indicate the date of filling out the work book. It must be no later than 5 days from the date of employment.
6. Sign your signature legibly and decode it next to it. Make sure that the owner of the book signs his name to confirm the information you have provided.
7. Put the seal of the organization (enterprise), but not the personnel department.
Step 2
Before applying for a job, put a stamp of the company with its data or write them down completely. Now fill in the columns:
1 column - the number of the record in order (it is placed opposite the record of the admission, transfer, dismissal of the employee, and not the stamp).
Column 2 - the date of entry in Arabic numerals (it must correspond to the date of admission, transfer, dismissal and the date of drawing up the corresponding document (order, order, etc.), and not the day when you fill out the work book).
Column 3 - information about hiring, transferring, dismissing, renaming a department or organization without reductions in accordance with an order, order (for example, "dismissed due to the expiration of the employment contract, paragraph 2 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation") … If the employee is dismissed, indicate your position, sign with a transcript and seal the organization. There must be a signature of the owner of the book, which testifies to his acquaintance with the record.
4 columns - the basis for the entry (order, order, decision of the general meeting, minutes), date in Arabic numerals and document number (for example, “Order dated 07.05.2011 No. 133-ok).
Step 3
In the "Information about awards", make only entries about state awards and honorary titles in accordance with the orders, as well as about awards with certificates of honor, badges, diplomas, etc., produced by the organization. In column 3, write down by whom, for what merits the employee is awarded and the type of award. The rest of the columns are filled in the same way as in the "Job Information".
Cash bonuses are not included in the work book.
Step 4
Make a part-time entry in the work book, if the employee wishes it. But this can only be done in the personnel department at the main place of work.