How To Get A Passport In Irkutsk

How To Get A Passport In Irkutsk
How To Get A Passport In Irkutsk

Table of contents:


Every Russian citizen, upon reaching the age of 18, can apply to the FMS with an application to issue him a passport. What documents are needed to obtain a passport, for example, in Irkutsk?

How to get a passport in Irkutsk
How to get a passport in Irkutsk


Step 1

Collect the necessary package of documents for obtaining a passport and submit it to one of the territorial divisions of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation in Irkutsk. A package of documents for a Russian citizen who has reached the age of 18 usually includes: - an original and a certified copy of the passport (with a registration mark);

- a receipt for payment of the state duty received from Sberbank;

- 2 photographs of the established sample (submitted as an uncut block; on the back side of the photograph must be signed in pencil);

- a postcard with an attached stamp (to notify that the passport is ready).

Step 2

If you want to issue a passport for your child (from 6 years old), submit the documents: - birth certificate (with an insert confirming the Russian citizenship of the child);

- 2 photographs of the established sample (submitted as an uncut block; on the back side of the photograph must be signed in pencil);

- a postcard with an attached stamp (to notify that the passport is ready).

Step 3

Write an application addressed to the head of the department of the Federal Migration Service in the form established by law (in 2 copies). The application can be written by hand or submitted in hard copy (with a mandatory signature in both cases).

Step 4

Indicate in the application your full name (including those that were previously available and the date of their change), date and place of birth, gender, registration address and place of work (study, service) for the last 10 years. The names of organizations and institutions must be indicated in full, and their legal address must also be given. If you have had breaks from study / work during this period, indicate the place of your stay during this period.

Step 5

Take the application to the HR department of your organization so that the section "Work" is certified by the head of this service. If you are an entrepreneur, you will have to submit a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur / legal entity (originals and certified copies). If you do not work, present along with the main package of documents and a work book.

Step 6

Youths of military age are also required to present a certificate in form No. 32, which can be obtained from the military registration and enlistment office.

Step 7

In order for the application to be considered, you need to inform that you do not have any other obligations or circumstances that prevent you from going abroad.

Step 8

You can get a ready-made passport at the Irkutsk regional branch of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation (Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 3a, office number 1).
