It often happens that after the conclusion of the contract, it is discovered that not all information has been entered into the text, or the wrong data are mistakenly indicated in the contract. In such cases, an additional agreement is drawn up, which specifies clarifications regarding the text of the agreement or adds new data.

agreement to amend the contract
Step 1
An addendum to the contract must be agreed upon by the parties, unless otherwise provided by law. It takes place in the same form, i.e. if the agreement has been notarized, the agreement is also subject to notary certification; if the agreement is subject to state registration, the agreement will also need to be registered.
Step 2
Fill out the supplement on a separate sheet, in the title indicate "Agreement on amendments and additions to the contract". Also indicate the place of detention, the name and details of the parties. State the changes in the body of the agreement. For example: point 1.2. amend and read in the next edition; clause 3.2 shall be considered invalid, etc. At the end of the agreement, there must be signatures of the parties and seals, as well as the date of conclusion of the supplement.
Step 3
In the agreement, write down that it is an integral part of the agreement, is valid from the moment it is signed and can be changed and supplemented by agreement of the parties.
Step 4
Changing the contract at the request of only one party is possible only in court. But for this there must be grounds provided for by law. For example, a significant violation of the contract by the counterparty (clause 2 of article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, a violation is recognized as significant, which entails such damage for the party to the contract that it is largely deprived of what it had the right to count on.