The certificate of state registration of rights is an official document. It confirms that your property has a real estate object: a house, a land plot, an apartment, a garage, a non-residential premises, and that a record of this has been duly entered into the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRR).

When you need to get a certificate of state registration of rights
Since the certificate is a confirmation of the relevance of information about the real estate object entered in the USRR, all current changes must also be entered into the register, which is confirmed by the issuance of a new certificate. Therefore, if the apartment was redeveloped or the apartments were merged, you will need to register these changes and obtain a new certificate for a new, in fact, real estate object.
This document will need to be drawn up again if the owner has changed or his passport data has changed, the right to inheritance has been formalized or the property has been transferred to another owner as a gift. The basis for obtaining a certificate is also the loss or the need to replace the old-type certificate with a new one, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 219 in February 1998. It is necessary to obtain a certificate both if at the time of the transaction it was not executed, and in the case when it is necessary to register ownership of apartments located in the HOA or housing cooperative.
The procedure for obtaining a certificate of state registration of rights
These certificates are issued in the territorial departments of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). Any individual who owns real estate, as well as owners of other types of rights to it (lease, sublease, lease, etc.) can apply there for a certificate. This document can be issued only to the rightholder both at the time of registration of the right and in the case when the document was lost, but the right to real estate still remained with him. The presence of this right is easily confirmed by the information entered in the USRR.
When a property is in common shared ownership, each owner receives his own copy of the certificate in his hands, which indicates his share. On the back of such a document, there is a list of all other equity holders with an indication of their passport data and shares in the common property. If the property belongs to the spouses on the basis of common joint property rights, the certificate will be issued in one copy, but a list of all owners of this property will be given as owners on the front side.
For property in common use, a separate certificate is not issued to owners of apartments in apartment buildings. Their share in the common property is spelled out in the certificate for the apartment they own.