Have you decided to build a private or apartment building, and now you need to get a town planning plan? Please note: the procedure for obtaining a town-planning plan in the regions may differ from that in the capital, but the standard package of documents for obtaining it remains unchanged.

Step 1
Submit the required package of documents along with an application to the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (or a city government department with a similar status) to receive the plan. The application must be written in the name of the head of the Department and must contain: - information about the person wishing to receive the town planning plan (name, passport data, address; for legal entities - the name of the organization and its legal address, number of the registration certificate);
- information about the site on which the construction of the house is planned (address, area, cadastral number, possible restrictions and encumbrances);
- signature and seal of the applicant (for legal entities);
- annex (a list of documents and the documents themselves). The package of mandatory documents includes: - a certified copy of the land survey (cadastral plan of the site);
- copies of the TU for the connection of communications;
- site master plan, executed in the local coordinate system by a licensed design organization (on paper and electronic media - in AutoCAD format);
- topographic survey carried out by a licensed organization;
- Decree of the head of the city administration on the provision of a plot to you or a certificate of ownership obtained from the UFRS. If any buildings are already located on this site, then you will need to present certified copies of their technical passports, which can be obtained from the BTI.
Step 2
If you live in Moscow, then you may need a town-planning justification in the following cases: - in the absence of a land-surveying project;
- in the absence of parameters and restrictions of construction (or reconstruction of an existing object) on this site.
Step 3
Within 10 days you will be informed whether the documents submitted by you are accepted or not. If there is no refusal, then within 30 days you will receive a town planning plan. And remember: registration of this document is free.