"Bad" tips for a manager are practical solutions to improve sales efficiency. In the second part of the series, we will examine the importance of teamwork.

Let's continue with the "bad" advice for a sales manager. The second tip helped me easily overfulfill the plan for the test period - instead of 300 thousand, I sold 1 million. What is this secret that helps to achieve 330% efficiency?
One employee, two employee …
And this is not a secret at all, I can tell you. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the entire history of mankind.
Could one primitive man have driven a mammoth? Unlikely. So people got lost in groups when they went hunting. Two separate hunters are a hungry tribe. Two hunters working together - fried ham on a fire.
Likewise, one should work in a modern company. When you try to do it all by yourself, something will work out. But the magnitude of this "something" will be much greater if efforts are combined.
Hey, hoo!
Don't try to pull the sales force yourself. Use anyone who can help you succeed.
In my case, the sales started after the company hosted a retreat. Educating potential clients involves not only getting to know and getting contacts, but also puts your specialist lecturers one step higher. In the future, their expert opinion will be listened to more attentively.
If the client respects the words of your specialist, why should you be an unnecessary intermediary? Combine them and the result will pleasantly surprise you. You will get not just a ready-made, but a loyal client who appreciates cooperation with your organization.
Does the head of the center or sales department expect more orders from you? Let him make a sufficient contribution. Use his experience and authority in personal meetings with clients: the higher the status, the easier it is to attract a buyer.
In small companies, where you can communicate almost in a familiar way with senior management, use this resource as well. Who, like the CEO or CEO, is the best person to help you convince a large client? And in large organizations, resort to manipulating a well-known brand.
Be effective and remember to attract others: working alone will never get you the most!