"Bad" advice for a manager will teach you how to achieve results with the least amount of effort. No investment of time or labor - use what is always at hand.

In this article, I want to tell you how to achieve 330% sales efficiency. The tips presented helped me pass the test when applying for a job. In 3 months it was necessary to fulfill the plan - to sell goods for 300 thousand rubles. I sold 1 million.
Why did I call these tips "bad"? It's simple: they do not require any special actions or work to be done from you. On the contrary, these tips teach you to use tricks that minimize your own efforts.
Where does it begin …
What does any sales manager do when first arriving at his workplace? Of course, he is studying the company's products, which will have to be offered to potential customers.
I did the same. The difficulty was that both the product and the industry itself - feeding farm animals - required special knowledge. Even those who have spent 4 years of undergraduate studies diving into the depths of zootechnics cannot become experts in this industry. Real professionals, like everywhere else, study all their lives.
The company knew about this, and acquaintance with the specifics of the industry began with lectures by an expert zootechnician. Not only did I have a superficial understanding of the horizon for future work: I discovered the first "bad" advice.
I know that I know nothing
The manager's need for knowledge of the proposed product is limited. A potential client almost always has less knowledge about the product, and this, even a slight margin, is enough to seem like a specialist. In exceptional cases, transfer a complex client to an expert.
It is inappropriate to spend your time studying all the intricacies of the industry and the product. In cold selling and telemarketing, the first call never ends with a sale. We got to know each other, threw the line for repeated contact and hung up. Only during the second call is it worth learning about the needs of the client and offering him your product that solves the current problem.
Can't answer any question? Assure the client that you will find out the required information from a full-time expert and be sure to call him back. This is how a competent dialogue begins with a future buyer. While the client is waiting for your call, ask a specialist and prepare an answer. Here's a reason to get a buyer, and a topic for the next conversation.
Over time, you will remember all the characteristics of the proposed product. Your brain will write down the result of numerous repetitions in the subcortex, and you will start firing at the clients from the howitzer of your competence. The transition from quantity to quality is inevitable.
And if it happens by itself, why waste your time and energy on memorizing commercial offers? Be effective and don't be afraid of not knowing something!