How To Quit By Transfer

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How To Quit By Transfer
How To Quit By Transfer

Video: How To Quit By Transfer

Video: How To Quit By Transfer
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In recent years, the popularity of this type of dismissal, such as transfer to another employer, has lost its popularity. However, there are situations when it is highly desirable. For example, if the transfer is carried out to another company in the same industry. Often in this case, in order to reduce staff turnover, length of service is included as one of the benefits in collective agreements. As a rule, its calculation is not interrupted during the transfer and guarantees the employee certain advantages and additional payments. What is the correct way to quit with a transfer?

How to quit by transfer
How to quit by transfer


Step 1

Transfer from one employer to another (according to clause 5 of the first part of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is possible at the initiative of the employee or by agreement of the parties. In these cases, the procedure for issuing a dismissal is somewhat different.

If the initiative comes from the employee, he writes a letter of resignation to the head of the previous place of work. This document must indicate the date of dismissal, the place of transfer. In addition, it is necessary to prove that the future employer agrees to accept the employee with a transfer. This can be a letter - an application for a transfer or an approval visa on the employee's application. Often, to simplify and speed up the approval procedure, two applications are written between two managers - for dismissal and for admission. Both have visa approval and approval. For example, an application for admission is approved by the head of the receiving party, and the head of the dismissing organization agrees.

Step 2

If the initiative for the transfer comes from the employer, the transfer is also carried out only with the written consent of the employee. Formally, this can be expressed in a translation notice or a separate document.

If an entry is made in the notification, then the employee must write his or her express consent to the transfer: “I agree to the transfer … to the position … from …”. The entry is made with your own hand, after which the signature and date are put.

In another case, a statement is written to the name of the head with the same text.

Step 3

In other respects, dismissal by transfer to another employer does not differ from dismissal of your own free will. On the basis of the signed application, the personnel service of the enterprise prepares an order for dismissal (form T-8), makes all the necessary entries in the personal card (form T-2), an entry in the work book. pay full settlement. It includes remuneration for hours worked, compensation for unused vacation. In case of using the vacation in advance, the overpaid amount is withheld.

Step 4

Having resigned from the previous place of work, the employee must find a job no later than one month. Refusal of employment before the expiration of this period is impossible. However, it must be remembered that even the employee's illness does not prolong the term. If it is missed, the manager has the right to make any decision. The calculation of the vacation year at a new place of work begins from the day of hiring.
