Like any ordinary employee of the organization, the general director of the enterprise is entitled to an annual basic paid leave. Its design has a number of peculiarities, because the head of the company is responsible for the entire company. An acting person should be appointed in his place.

It is necessary
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - forms of relevant documents;
- - director's documents;
- - a pen;
- - seal of the organization;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 1
The decision to grant leave to ordinary employees of the organization is made by the director of the enterprise. If he himself needs to go on vacation, the right to make this decision should be spelled out in the constituent documents of the company. If this is not stipulated in the charter of the enterprise, the general director must write a statement addressed to the chairman of the constituent assembly about the possibility of granting him leave if there are several participants in the company, or to the name of the sole founder if the enterprise has one participant. The head of the organization must submit this vacation application to the chairman of the board of founders or the sole participant no later than one month before the expected vacation date.
Step 2
The issue of granting leave to the director is considered by the meeting of participants and a protocol of the board of founders is drawn up, the sole decision of the sole participant of the enterprise.
Step 3
When it is stated in the charter or other constituent document of the organization that the director himself has the right to decide on the granting of vacation, then his vacation should be included in the vacation schedule in parallel with other employees. Two weeks before the actual date of the vacation, the CEO must be served with a notice, which he must sign, thereby agreeing on the start date of the vacation.
Step 4
The director should draw up an order according to the unified form T-6. The subject of the document corresponds to the granting of leave for the employee. Give the order a number and date of issue. In the administrative part of the document, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the enterprise, the name of his position, structural unit. Indicate the start and end date of the vacation, write the number of calendar days of the vacation provided. The right to sign the order is available to the director of the enterprise, if he himself made this decision, by the chairman of the board of founders, if the issue of his leave was considered at a meeting of participants.
Step 5
In parallel with the order for granting leave, it is necessary to draw up an order on the appointment of an acting general director during his absence. Such a person may be the head of one of the structural divisions, if the staffing table does not provide for the position of deputy director.