Sometime you have to take the first steps in the profession, change specialization or place of work. No matter how good a specialist you are, a new job always requires additional attention and knowledge. It is in order to make it easier to adapt to the new environment, to gain additional knowledge of the profession, there is such a stage in the career ladder as an internship.

Step 1
An internship is not training, but work aimed at acquiring the necessary safe skills in a particular profession. It can be carried out on different occasions and differs in duration and content.
Step 2
Workplace internship when applying for a job, transferring to another job or to another department
After the newly hired or transferred employee has completed the initial on-the-job briefing, an internship follows. Its goal is the acquisition of basic safe work practices by the new employee, the study of routes to him, etc. The person in charge of the internship is appointed by the head of the workshop, section from among experienced workers (their work experience cannot be less than 3 years).
The duration of the internship depends on the profession into which the employee is accepted or transferred. Most often - 3 work shifts, but for complex, dangerous professions, the duration can be increased to 10 shifts. As a rule, this is stipulated in the Regulations on labor protection, which must be developed and approved at the enterprise in accordance with the established procedure.
An entry is made about the results of the internship in the journal of briefings on labor protection at the workplace. The trainee supervisor is accountable for each day of the trainee's work. In the column "internship content", he writes down the types of work that the employee performed during the shift. At the end of the internship, the employee is admitted to the initial examination of knowledge on labor protection.

Step 3
An internship, as an increase in the level of qualifications before being appointed to a position or included in the reserve for filling managerial positions
The internship can be carried out both at your own enterprise and at another base, including abroad. For an internship, an order is issued, if necessary, documents for a business trip are drawn up.
The head of the enterprise where the employee is training is obliged to appoint the head of the training and approve the plan. Its duration cannot be less than 2 weeks.
Based on the results, a response characteristic is drawn up, which indicates recommendations for the further use of a specialist. For example, his candidacy can be recommended for appointment to a higher position, for inclusion in the reserve.

Step 4
Internship for young professionals and students
The organization of such an internship can be initiated by an enterprise, educational institution, regional Employment Center. An entry is made in the work book about the internship, and a certificate is issued. Based on its results, a young specialist may be offered a vacant position at the enterprise where he trained.