As a rule, at least once in the process of studying at the university, students undergo practical training. It usually ends the penultimate year of study. The practice can take place at an enterprise, a private firm or at an institute department, but according to the results of its, the student must provide a review of the head who supervised his work in production. There are a number of requirements for writing it.

Step 1
Indicate the full name of the organization where the student underwent practical training and the student's personal data: his last name, first name and patronymic, student card number, the duration of the practice, the name of the department or division with the work of which he was familiarized.
Step 2
List the types of work that were assigned and performed by the student. Separately list all those projects that have been collaboratively worked on with his participation. These works can be divided into two categories - those that were commissioned and performed at the beginning of the internship and those that were performed by him at the end. This will show how the qualifications, the degree of training and responsibility of the future specialist have improved in the process of practical application of his knowledge.
Step 3
Describing the work, tell us about the fulfillment of one-time assignments, duplication of functions under the guidance of employees of the enterprise and independently executed assignments. If a student has carried out assignments of particular complexity, implemented, with your permission, his own developments and solutions that allow you to increase productivity or the quality of work, briefly reflect their essence and evaluate his work. If he was entrusted with the performance of any managerial functions, this should also be reflected in the review.
Step 4
Tell us about the student's communication skills: how he worked in a team, whether he easily established relationships and contacts, the nature and style of his communication with colleagues. Evaluate the degree of the student's preparation, tell us how quickly he masters new responsibilities, whether he uses the experience of colleagues, whether it is necessary to control it.
Step 5
Describe his business skills - initiative, responsibility and accuracy, learning ability, desire to acquire additional knowledge and skills. Write your opinion about the student - what are his chances of being accepted into your organization if there is a vacancy, what types of work would you entrust him.
Step 6
Sign the review with the head of the enterprise and the head of the practice, indicating the position. Signatures must be certified with the seal of the enterprise.