To apply for an internship, the employer must accept from him a written application for employment, conclude a fixed-term employment contract or apprenticeship contract, issue an order, and also make an entry in the citizen's work book if there is a fixed-term contract or employment contract along with the apprenticeship one.

It is necessary
- - trainee documents;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - forms of the relevant documents;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - a pen.
Step 1
The trainee writes an application for his admission to a certain position. In the head of the document, the citizen indicates the name of the organization, the position of the head, his surname, initials in the dative case. He enters his last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case and the address of the place of residence in accordance with the registration in the passport. In the content of the application, he expresses his request to accept him for this position as an intern or an apprentice (depending on the agreement with the employer) for a period determined by industrial practice. Personal signature and date of writing the application. The director affixes a resolution on it in case of a positive decision with a date and signature.
Step 2
Enter into a fixed-term employment contract with this employee, an apprenticeship contract, or an employment contract along with an apprenticeship one. If there is a fixed-term contract, indicate the terms for which this employee is accepted. If an apprenticeship agreement or employment contract is concluded, along with the apprentice employer, Chapter 32 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation should be followed. On the one hand, the contract (urgent or apprenticeship) is signed by the hired trainee, on the other - by the director of the organization, certified by the seal of the enterprise.
Step 3
Draw up an order for hiring, if a fixed-term employment contract or an employment contract has been concluded along with an apprenticeship contract, and a referral to training, if an apprenticeship contract is concluded. Assign a date and number to the order, write down the terms for which the trainee is accepted. The director of the company has the right to sign the document, certify the order with the seal of the organization. Familiarize yourself with the document of the trainee employee against signature.
Step 4
If this citizen is hired under a fixed-term contract or under an apprenticeship along with an employment contract, make an entry in the work book. Indicate the serial number of the entry, the date of admission to the position. In the job details, write that an intern has been hired. For example, the record should look like this: "Hired for the position of trainee - assistant locksmith." The basis for the entry is the order, indicate its number and date. If the trainee is accepted under an apprenticeship agreement, there is no need to make an entry in the work book. This is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.